Terms and Conditions for Participation in Superior Science Summer Camps

Cancellations, Discounts and Transfers

Please contact supersci@lakeheadu.ca to request a cancellation or transfer.

Cancellations requested more than fourteen (14) days before the start date: Full refund provided, less a 10% withdrawal fee.

Cancellations requested within fourteen (14) days of the start date: A 50% refund will be provided.

Cancellations requested after the camp start date: There will not be refunds issued after the start of any program.

The “start date” refers to the first day of the summer camp.

Emails/refund requests will be answered from Monday – Friday, but honoured from the day they are received (including Saturday and Sunday requests).

The refunded amount can either be returned directly to the card used to pay for the camp OR added to the cardholder’s account on the Active registration platform as a credit to be used towards future Superior Science programs.

Discounts: Discounts must be recorded on the same registration receipt (same date and time). Registrations done separately are not eligible to be combined for a multi-week or multi-participant discount. If a participant withdraws a program that triggered the initial discount (e.g. multi-week discount, multi-participant discount), the customer may be required to pay full price on the remaining registration(s) for other programs. This will occur if the discount no longer applies.

Transfers: Camp transfers can be requested at no additional cost, however transfers are dependent on the availability of camps/weeks of interest. 

Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Campers can be dropped off each morning of camp between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Please note that camp activities will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. Campers can be picked up between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. each afternoon of camp.

Families who have paid for extended care may drop campers off as early as 8:00 a.m., and pick campers up no later than 5:15 p.m.

As a safety measure, campers are signed in and out of camp each day. An instructor will initial the camper roster at the time of arrival. 

For the safety of all campers, only those listed on the supplemental Authorized Pick-Up Persons form (available through the Active registration platform) may sign out campers. Government-issued ID must be shown to a Superior Science staff member every day at pick up in order for your camper to be released from camp. Even if your name is associated with the Active account as the emergency contact for your camper, your name must be included on the authorized pick-up form.

Any changes, additions or deletions to the pick up information for the camper after the first day of camp should be submitted in writing to supersci@lakeheadu.ca. Your submission must include the child’s name, your name and information about the person authorized to pick up your camper; including their name, contact information and relationship to the camper. 

If you wish for your camper to sign themselves out, please make this request in writing to supersci@lakeheadu.ca. Otherwise, Superior Science staff will follow our default pick-up policy.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviour

Superior Science is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for all children and staff that are involved in Superior Science programming, and, in support of this commitment, Camp staff will respond to any behavioural problems with the following stepped protocol: 

  1. Verbal Warning: Camper is given a first verbal warning, will be spoken to about the unwelcome behaviour and will be asked to stop the behaviour immediately. 

  2. Second Verbal Warning: Camper is given a second verbal warning, and the parent or guardian of the child is informed via phone call at the time of the incident.

  3. Out of Camp for the Day: The camper will be sent home from camp for the rest of the day. The parents/guardians of the camper will be contacted and will be required to pick up the camper immediately. If the behaviour occurs at the end of a day of camp the camper will be requested to stay home on the next day of camp. 

  4. Dismissal from the Camp:  The camper will be requested to leave the camp and not return for the remainder. The parents/guardians of the camper will be contacted and will be required to pick up the camper immediately. 

The level of consequence in this protocol is dependent on the gravity of the misbehaviour as determined by Camp staff, who are trained formally on classroom management and classroom safety. This means a Camper may not receive a verbal warning before a more severe step is taken.

Examples of common unacceptable behaviour include, but are not limited to:  bullying, name calling, pushing, not listening to instructions, compromising the safety of other children (such as leaning back on chairs or throwing supplies), swearing, or stealing. At the beginning of all Superior Science sessions, staff review rules and expectations with all children involved in the program. Rules are posted in all activity rooms.  

No refund will be issued to the parents/guardians of Campers removed from the Camp for misbehaviour.